Hi friends,
Countless conversations with patients and their families in clinic and in the hospital has led me to believe that new ways of being, doing, and growing together are not only possible, but essential.
Doctoring is more than just diagnoses and prescriptions, it is about holding space for my patients and crafting a journey of wellness together that's as unique as a backcountry trail.
My sense is that we are less interested in the pursuit of the next questionable quick fix, elaborate protocol, or expensive green powder and more interested in the pursuit of aliveness.
What would it look like to optimize for joy and fulfillment?
Here’s what I know:
First, is that we are in this together. Real and collective wellness isn’t bought off a shelf. It's about getting our hands dirty, reconnecting with nature, forging bonds with our fellow travelers, and rediscovering our authentic selves.
Second, is that the health of the individual and the planet are inseparable, healing one requires attending to the other.
And third, the magic lies in the everyday adventures – seeking out those moments that jolt us out of the ordinary.
Always deeply curious by nature, my goal is to continue exploring evidence-based medicine, fierce advocacy for systemic change, and a love for life's big questions to guide patients (and myself, ha!). These are the things I wish we could tackle more in clinic.
The new (and a bit intimidating) part is that I would love to share and discuss this with you. In public. On the internet. Because ideas shared have legs.
My hope is that this lens might help ease our collective weariness, and maybe even spark the kind of collective action we need to shake up the systems that are no longer working for us. I want Ollie and Mars, and all of our kids, to grow up and see that we fought for them and for their future.
Let’s go make something happen. Together.
Blue skies,