Week 33: Fred Hollow Foundation
This week, we are giving to the Fred Hollows Foundation. The Fred Hollows Foundation is working towards a world where no person is unnecessarily blind. They believe that everyone, rich or poor, has the right to high quality and affordable eye care.
The Fred Hollows Foundation began in Australia when Hollows began working with Aboriginal patients, instituting community health clinics and focusing on eye health, specifically blinding trachoma. They now work in more than 25 countries and have restored sight to over two million people worldwide.
They trains doctors, nurses and healthcare workers, distribute antibiotics, raise money for equipment and medical facilities and perform eye operations.
Fred Hollows is an inspiration to me. He was a man who saw a problem, and worked like hell to solve it. According to the foundation, “Fred’s work continues very much in the way it started: by just getting on with it.”
Just $25 can completely restore someone’s sight.
Here’s to getting on with it,