Union of Concerned Scientists

WEEK 16: The Union of Concerned Scientists

Hello GIVE52 crew! In honor of Earth Day this Saturday, this week's organization is The Union of Concerned Scientists. In these trying times, science and evidence-based policy are in danger. It can all seem so very overwhelming and it is easy to throw our hands up and think that there isn't anything you or I can do.

But, in those moments of despair, I am reminded of a passage from my favorite book to read my son, Ollie:

Welp, here we are, and we care. We care a whole awful lot.

The Union of Concerned Scientists mission is to "put rigorous, independent science to work to solve our planet’s most pressing problems." Joining with citizens across the country, they combine technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future. They believe in sharing information, systematically seeking the truth, and letting scientific findings guide conclusions and actions.

Really importantly, to preserve their independence and integrity, they rely on individuals for funding, not the government or corporations. The Union of Concerned Scientists are united by a central concern: that we need sound and unbiased scientific analysis to create a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.

Their scientists and engineers work on issues from combating global warming and developing sustainable ways to feed, power, and transport ourselves, to fighting misinformation, advancing racial equity, and reducing the threat of nuclear war. Unbiased and thorough science is of the utmost importance. Future generations are depending on us.

I am so excited to support science this week. I believe in facts. I believe in us.

I believe in a better future.

Here's to caring more and fighting for our little blue planet. I hope you have a fantastic week!


PS: If you are interested, check out The March for Science which is happening all over the country on earth day. "The March for Science is a celebration of science. It's not about scientists or politicians—it is about the very real role that science plays in all of our lives and the essential role it must play in shaping decisions and policies that affect us all." See you there.

Detroit Water Project

Week 15: Detroit Water Project

Hi wonderful people! Welcome back to GIVE52. This week’s organization has a simple mission: Dignity for everyone, everyday.

The Detroit Water Project is a platform to help donors pay the delinquent water bills of people in Detroit so that their water does not get shut off. Since July 2014, donors have helped over 900 families in Detroit and Baltimore.

Everyone needs running water. In cities across the US, water companies are turning off the tap. This is forcing low-income families, seniors, and single parents to live without basic necessities. Can you imagine living without running water? Families are forced to go elsewhere to take showers, clean dishes or simply get a drink.

Water is fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a healthy life in human dignity. It is a pre-requisite to the realization of all other human rights.
— The United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights

Your donation can help turn the water back on.

This project inspired me more than I can say. It was started by two women who connected over their concern for Detroit families on twitter. They saw a problem and within a few hours, the website was live. It inspired me to seek out simple solutions and to find more opportunities to directly connect people who need help with those who can offer it.

We can help turn the water back on this week. Let’s do this!
Keep rocking,


Week 14: Kiva

Welcome back to another week of GIVE52! This week, we will be giving/lending with Kiva. Kiva is extraordinary because with as little as $25, you can make a life-changing loan to help other entrepreneurs create a better life for themselves and their families.

Kiva believes that lending is one of the most powerful and sustainable ways to create economic and social good. Lending on Kiva creates a "partnership of mutual dignity". It re-frames the notion of philanthropy. Their model of loan repayment means that you can continue to touch more lives with the same dollar. 'Fund a loan, get repaid, fund another.'

The key to ending extreme poverty is to enable the poorest of the poor to get their foot on the ladder of development . . . the poorest of the poor are stuck beneath it. They lack the minimum amount of capital necessary to get a foothold, and therefore need a boost up to the first rung.
— Jeffrey Sachs

By lending on Kiva, you can help a borrower survive and thrive by working on starting or sustaining a business, going to school, and more. The purposes of the loans vary greatly, and you can read through the site to find someone you connect with and help them out.

100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans. Kiva covers administrative costs primarily through optional donations, as well as through support from grants and sponsors.

Let's keep up this amazing momentum.

Here's to you!

Have a fantastic week,