1% for the Planet

Week 9: One Percent for the Planet

Often when we think of doing good, we forget about the for-profit sector and leave so much room for impact on the table. 1% For the Planet helps create partnerships that protect the planet. They are an organization that connects business dollars with doers. They link businesses that contribute at least one percent of annual sales with high-impact environmental nonprofits.

“When you have a whole life in the outdoors, you realize you have a sense of responsibility to protect these wild places.” - Yvon Chouinard

1% For the Planet was founded by Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard and Blue Ribbon Flies founder Craig Mathews. Today, businesses and individuals are both making the 1% for the Planet commitment, creating greater impact every year.

“To do good, you actually have to do something.” - Yvon Chouinard

They collaborate with member businesses to identify where they can invest dollars that meet their business goals, and then they certify that every dollar contributed goes to a vetted, trusted environmental nonprofit. The goal is to not only direct business giving toward environmental causes, but to increase the overall amount of global dollars going to help protect the planet.

Your donation will be leveraged to unlock greater funding for clean water, more sustainable agriculture, tackling climate change, conserving wildlife habitat and more.

Want to dive deeper? I highly recommend the gorgeous documentary 180 Degrees South, it talks about the importance of wild spaces and features Yvon Chouinard and the story of an epic adventure.

Besides giving to this week's organization, this week for me is all about examining consumption. Where can I cut back? Where can I use a sustainable option over disposables? Where can I invest in a high quality product that will last a lifetime instead of a cheap fix that I have to keep purchasing and wasting?  Can I recycle more? Do I really need as much stuff??

Please let me know how you do your part. I'd love some suggestions and I'm eager to learn!

Have a lovely week and stay wild.

