Week 26: Every Mother Counts
Hello! This week, we are supporting Every Mother Counts, an organization whose mission is to“make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, everywhere”.
Every Mother Counts supports maternal health programs around the world to eliminate these issues and to lower maternal mortality rates.
For example, they provide 50 rural health centers with solar powered electricity and give transportation vouchers to pregnant women to ensure they can arrive there safely. They train health workers to prevent deaths and disabilities from postpartum hemorrhage. They support comprehensive pregnancy care, delivery care, postnatal and newborn care, as well as patient education.
They have a campaign called Pass the Orange Rose. "It’s a symbol of maternal health and is a powerful reminder that safer motherhood is possible. It represents a beautiful, vibrant and strong life, like that of a mother who has been supported through pregnancy and childbirth."
Let’s work together towards better maternal health, globally.
Have a wonderful week.
Passing you an Orange Rose,