Week 23: Malaria Consortium
Hello beautiful people and welcome back to another week of GIVE52!
This week, we are giving to an organization that has been names one of the world’s leading non-profit organizations specializing in the prevention, control and treatment of malaria. Their methods are evidence-based and sustainable to help the most vulnerable populations combat communicable diseases.
They work in 12 countries where malaria is endemic and 95 percent of their staff work in the field. This means they have technical expertise on the ground, and are able to adapt quickly to any changes or new challenges. They also take part in research, policy, and pilot programs to treat and prevent malaria in both novel and tried-and-true ways. They have pioneered best practices and approaches, setting the standards that others now follow.
“The most common and effective malaria intervention, the long lasting insecticidal net, costs around $2.50 and can protect two people from malaria for up to three years. Other interventions, such as seasonal malaria chemoprevention which can reduce malaria cases in children by up to 75 percent, cost as little as $4.27 per child.”
While working in Nepal and Haiti, I always took malaria prophylaxis and slept with a treated net. It is with great pleasure that I share with you this wonderful organization that makes sure that people living in endemic areas have access to those same tools to prevent the spread.
I am loving this community so much and feel so honored to be able to chat with you each week.
Let me know how this is going so far!
Here's to you, and to the end of malaria in the near future.
Have a wonderful Monday,