National MS Society

Week 13: National MS Society

Hello and Happy Monday! Welcome back to another week of GIVE52. Let's check in. How has this challenge been going for you? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Hope your Monday is fab so far.

Let's jump in to this week's cause: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves which disrupts communication between the brain and the body. In severe cases, the disease can cause paralysis or blindness and in milder cases, there may be numbness in the limbs.

The National MS Society’s Vision is a world free of Multiple Sclerosis. They fight for people affected by MS to live their best lives, to stop MS in its tracks, and to seek an end to MS forever. My sister and I were so stoked to run in Muckfest MS which I highly recommend if you are looking for an epic way to spend the day - covered in mud!

The National MS Society has goals to expand investments and worldwide collaborations to accelerate research and expand access to healthcare. They connect individuals with the information and resources they need and mobilize individuals and communities to spread awareness and action around MS. Your donation will help in this effort.

Here's to a world free of MS. Have a great week!

Sending you all love,