A Place Called Home

Week 27: A Place Called Home

Hi! Welcome back to another week of GIVE52.

When I was at UCLA, I was lucky enough to visit A Place Called Home. I met with the amazing staff and kids and really got a feel for the place. APCH is a dynamic, non-profit youth center located in South Central.

Their primary goal is to “help kids stay in school, go on to higher education, pursue successful careers, and develop into active, contributing citizens and leaders”. An astounding 1000 dedicated volunteers log in over 40,000 hours annually, joining caring staff to provide children and teens with “love, safety, enrichment, training, and opportunities through educational programs, counseling, and mentorship”.

They offer tutoring and homework support, as well as a full spectrum of instruction in the arts, athletics, dance and music. When visiting, I was amazed by the full community garden, sports area, dance classes, and music studio. Each child is able to pursue their passion and hobbies through APCH.

Writing about it here, I realize I cannot do it justice. This week, check out A Place Called Home, or find a similar youth center in your area.

Here’s to opportunity, mentorship, and a safe space to play and learn.
Have an awesome week,

Living Goods

Week 27: Living Goods

Hello and Happy Monday! This week’s organization is Living Goods.

Their mission is to “empower people to improve the health of their families, friends and communities”. Their innovative model is to support door to door health entrepreneurs who teach families how to improve their health and wealth and sell life-changing products such as “simple treatments for malaria and diarrhea, safe delivery kits, fortified foods, clean cook stoves, water filters, and solar lights”.

This model simultaneously has a tremendous impact on public health, lowering child mortality, and providing a livelihood for thousands of enterprising women.

Living Goods health entrepreneurs hone in on goals and projects that prevent childrens’ death and can be addressed at a low cost: “treating childhood diseases, offering free pregnancy and newborn check-ups, improving nutrition, and promptly referring acute cases to qualified facilities”.

My mind was blown when I learned that the average cost of a treatment from a Living Goods ‘Health Promoter’ costs only 50 cents.

This remarkable combination of business acumen and public health makes Living Goods an organization that I am very excited to share with you.

Have a wonderful week!

Every Mother Counts

Week 26: Every Mother Counts

Hello! This week, we are supporting Every Mother Counts, an organization whose mission is to“make pregnancy and childbirth safe for every mother, everywhere”.

In some parts of the world, women have to walk an average of 8 miles to reach the nearest public health facility, even during labor. Mothers who are able to reach a clinic, may find there is no healthcare provider to care for them. Clinics staffed with skilled birth attendants often lack basic and lifesaving supplies.

Every Mother Counts supports maternal health programs around the world to eliminate these issues and to lower maternal mortality rates.

For example, they provide 50 rural health centers with solar powered electricity and give transportation vouchers to pregnant women to ensure they can arrive there safely. They train health workers to prevent deaths and disabilities from postpartum hemorrhage. They support comprehensive pregnancy care, delivery care, postnatal and newborn care, as well as patient education.

They have a campaign called Pass the Orange Rose. "It’s a symbol of maternal health and is a powerful reminder that safer motherhood is possible. It represents a beautiful, vibrant and strong life, like that of a mother who has been supported through pregnancy and childbirth."

Let’s work together towards better maternal health, globally.
Have a wonderful week.

Passing you an Orange Rose,